Registration Information & Interest Lists

Registration Information:

Limited additional seats will be added to Marshall core courses periodically from 11/5 to 11/20 during the registration period around 9:00AM PT. Students are expected to make current open sections work with their schedule and should NOT wait for one of the below dates to register. Please refer to the chart below to see which dates additional seats will be added:

Spring 25 Date Release


Interest Lists

Interest lists are a way for students to indicate their interest in enrolling in an undergraduate Marshall course. They will not open until all sections of a course are full. Students are expected to make current open sections work with their schedule and should NOT wait to add to an interest list. Interest lists are not a guarantee of a seat and are not an automatic waitlist. 

Priority is given to students who are graduating. Students can add their name to an interest list for a course where all sections are closed starting Thursday, November 21st. Please check back then for instructions on how to add to an interest list. Requests to be added to an interest list before November 21st will not be processed. 



What are interest lists?

Students can indicate their interest in enrolling in Marshall courses that are completely closed throughout all sections. Students on the list will be notified in advance should new sections or seats be added. 

Students should continue to monitor Web Reg because there is no guarantee of a seat. Students should clear all holds, have no time conflicts, and be enrolled in 17 units or less to be added to an interest list. 

Priority is given to students who are graduating. Students can add their name to an interest list for a course where all sections are closed starting on Thursday, November 21st. 

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When will interest lists open?

Students can add their name to an interest list for a course where all sections are closed starting on Thursday, November 21st. They will close after the first week of the semester. 

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How do I get added to an interest list?

 Interest lists for courses where all sections are closed will open on Thursday, November 21st. Please check back then for more information on how to be added to an interest list.




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What courses can I request to be added to an interest list for?

If a course is completely closed students can request the following courses:

Marshall core classes

  • BUAD 302
  • BUAD 304
  • BUAD 306/308
  • BUAD 307
  • BUAD 310/312
  • BUAD 311/313
  • BUAD 497
  • BUAD 425


Undergraduate Marshall electives (numbered 300-499) in the following departments:

  • BUCO
  • DSO
  • FBE
  • MOR
  • MKT
  • RISK
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What courses cannot be requested to be added to an interest list for?
  1. Entrepreneurship (BAEP) courses. For more information, please contact the Greif center
  2. Accounting courses (including BUAD 280, BUAD 281, BUAD 305). Please contact
  3. Courses outside of Marshall
  4. Graduate courses (numbered 500 and above)


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