
Freshman Students

By the end of your first year, we recommend you:

Get involved

During Welcome Week, attend New Student Welcome and the USC Involvement Fair to find out more information about Marshall Student Organizations and USC Campus Activities

Attend Marshall Experience Programs and Events to hear from your fellow peers about how they have made the most of their USC Marshall experience.

Join the Robert J. Coury Applied Leadership Program to identify and develop your strengths and values as a leader.

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Utilize Marshall Career Services

Log onto Handshake and complete your profile and career interests. If you need assistance navigating Handshake, email Look for emails about registering for sessions catered to first-year Marshall students.

Attend various Marshall Career Workshops and Events. Topics include creating your resume, conducting informational interviews, networking strategies, and more. For additional details and to RSVP, please log onto Handshake and click on “Events.”

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Meet with your Marshall Academic Advisor

Schedule your Mandatory Advising appointment with your Academic Advisor to discuss your academic goals and performance, assist you in understanding the Marshall undergraduate curriculum, and inform you about the various opportunities on campus.

Check your USC email around registration time for more details. Your Academic Advisor's contact information can be found on your AdviseUSC profile.

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Get to know the Marshall faculty

Start establishing connections with your professors by visiting their office hours.

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Take advantage of Marshall Academic Resources

Attend weekly study sessions for quantitative Marshall courses including ECON 351x, ECON 352x, BUAD 306, BUAD 308, BUAD 310, and BUAD 311. For the most up-to-date schedule, speak with your course instructor or find more information in your course syllabus.

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Jumpstart your global experience

Begin learning about global business through Learning about International Commerce (LINC), or participating in the Global Leadership Program (invitation only).

Explore all of the options available to you through the Marshall International Programs office.  



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Follow the Undergraduate Programs Offices on Instagram

Stay informed about things going on around Marshall and within the Undergraduate Programs Office on Instagram: 

Marshall Undergraduate Student Affairs: @USCMarshallStudentLife

Marshall Undergraduate Advising: @AdviseMarshall

Marshall Undergraduate Career Services: @UGCareers

Marshall International Programs: @USCMarshallinternational

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