Emphasis – Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Skills to adapt and solve in a dynamic world

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Undergraduate Emphasis in Entrepreneurship and Innovation provides students the skills, tools, and mindset to create new products, new services, new ventures, and new worlds as the meet the needs of customers and help solve the thorny problems we face as an economy and a society.


The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with an emphasis in Entrepreneurship and Innovation provides specialized skills and tools for students wishing to found new ventures, work as a part of a founding team, work within an early stage venture, or develop the mindset for innovating within existing organizations. The degree signals to potential employers that the graduate is a capable problem-solver who understands how to build, launch, and grow new initiatives.

The degree focuses not solely on founders and founding processes, but on developing the entrepreneurial mindset more generally – on adaptable thinking as an essential organizational skill; on assessing and managing risk in dynamic, uncertain environments; and on recognizing, evaluating, and implementing new business opportunities.


This Emphasis is available only to current Marshall undergraduates who have attained sophomore standing and have completed at least one semester in residence at USC.

Students must complete one of the following courses prior to declaring the Emphasis:

  • BAEP 450 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship Units: 4
  • BAEP 451 The Management of New Enterprises Units: 4

The Emphasis requires completion of eight (8) additional units of Business Entrepreneurship (BAEP) upper-division coursework. Upper division courses are numbered 300-499. Please note that the required courses listed above (BAEP 450 and BAEP 451) duplicate credit and cannot be used to satisfy the elective requirement of this emphasis. Additional details are available in the catalogue.

Please note that students can only declare one Emphasis.

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Emphasis Faculty Advisor

Glenn Fox
Email Address: glennfox@marshall.usc.edu

FAQs related to the Emphasis in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Which course can help students determine if this Emphasis is right for them?

BAEP 450 or BAEP 451 is a requirement that must be completed before declaring this emphasis and is the best course to help students decide if this Emphasis is right for them. 

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What other resources/experiences can help students determine if this Emphasis is the right fit?

Students are encouraged to speak to the Entrepreneurship and Innovation emphasis elective advisor or any entrepreneurship professor in the Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies to better understand if the Emphasis is right for them. 

Other ways to learn more include joining a student entrepreneurship club or getting involved in one or more of our programs. The Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies offers a portfolio of non-credit programming that students can access – including various guest speaker series (e.g., the Startup Survival Series, Fireside Chats), pitch and business model competitions (e.g., the New Venture Seed Competition), conferences (e.g., Athena Women’s Entrepreneurship Summit), and mentoring programs (e.g., Found Well, Trojan Solvers). For students who have early-stage business concepts, we offer the Blackstone Launchpad (idea stage, provides programmatic learning), the Marshall Greif Incubator (pre-seed or seed stage, provides training, office space, and access to other resources), and more. Any students with questions should visit us for more information, or email greifcenter@marshall.usc.edu.

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What qualities/skills are good for students to have when going into this Emphasis?

Emphasizing in entrepreneurship requires only an interest in better understanding what it takes to launch and manage new initiatives in existing or new organizations. We welcome anyone who would like to learn more.

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What skills or knowledge will students gain from this Emphasis?

Students with this Emphasis will gain skills in identifying, evaluating, and pursuing new and innovative opportunities, plus the informational, human, and material resources needed to succeed. We view these skills and the Entrepreneurial Mindset as central to effective management within existing organizations as well as leadership of new organizations. The Emphasis is good for anyone with a desire to develop skills in problem-solving, creativity, adaptability, flexibility, and decision-making in conditions of dynamic uncertainty.

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For what careers or industries will this Emphasis prepare students?

This Emphasis gives students practice and deep understanding of the general frameworks and skills useful in career advancement across an array of careers and industries. Though some in this Emphasis will graduate and become new venture founders or founding team members, many will use their new knowledge, skills, and mindset to advance in existing firms.

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Why would students choose this Emphasis?

Students in this Emphasis will hear from founders and leaders from myriad organizations, who will share their experiences from idea through launch and growth. Students will also and importantly apply their learnings, in highly experiential environments, to consideration and development of diverse business opportunities.

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Can students satisfy these requirements when they study abroad?

Students who participate in the Marshall International Exchange program (IEP) may fulfill up to 6 units towards this emphasis while studying abroad. In order for the courses to be applied towards this emphasis, students must complete approved classes while abroad (a list of approved classes for each exchange location can be found on the IEP outgoing website). Students will work with the International Programs office to ensure that the approved classes they take abroad will be applied towards their emphasis.

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For International Students

This emphasis is a STEM program

This emphasis has been approved by the university to be STEM-eligible. This allows students who have completed this degree to apply for the STEM OPT Extension. Please note that this extension is not guaranteed but is approved by federal departments beyond the university’s purview. We strongly advise students to carefully read the Office of International Services instructions (here and here) which explain the STEM OPT extension eligibility and proceed accordingly.

On my I-20, why does the degree say Management Science instead of Business Administration?

This emphasis has been approved by the university to be STEM-eligible under the Department of Education CIP code of 52.1301 designation of Management Science. The degree stated on the I-20 refers to this designation.

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