Global Leadership Program (GLP)


An invitation-only year-long Freshman Leadership Seminar with opportunities for social activities, networking, advising, and a trip to Thailand.

Global Leadership Program


The Global Leadership Program (GLP) is a groundbreaking program open by invitation only to the most academically talented students in each incoming freshmen class. GLP consists of a fall course (BUAD 101 Freshman Leadership Seminar) and spring course (BUAD 102 Global Leadership Seminar) as well as outside opportunities for social activities, networking, and advising. The experience is capped off with a visit to Thailand. During the trip, students meet with executives from some of the top companies, and local and national government officials. In their latter years, GLP Alumni have the opportunity to plan events and mentor younger students while continuing to travel abroad to learn about the global impact of business.

GLP Students in Thailand in Elephant Sanctuary GLP Students in Bangkok GLP Students in Bangkok

Course Goals 

Peace Sign IconCommunity
Creation of a community of GLP students, past and present, to facilitate ongoing mentorship opportunities.
Peace Sign IconLeadership
Events and programs that foster leadership and knowledge of international business.
Peace Sign IconConnection
Exposure career development resources and programs available to Marshall students. Promotion of greater interaction between faculty and students.


GLP Student Testimonials


GLP Company Visit at SCGP

"I found the speakers insights on what their company does and also what they do as individuals to be extremely valuable. I loved how passionate they were to share about how they are making an impact. In addition, I also loved how some of the different visits allowed me to picture myself working and being in their shoes."

GLP Students in Thailand

"I found it most valuable when the companies would describe their struggles and how they overcame them. The range in company size and operations were also very valuable in getting a holistic view of business on an international level."

GLP Students in Thailand

“The most valuable aspects of presentations and company visits in Thailand often included gaining insights into the local business practices, cultural nuances impacting business operations, opportunities for networking with industry leaders, and discovering innovative approaches to challenges in the market.”

For more GLP admission info, contact Office of Admissions