Office of Undergraduate Advising and Student Affairs
Fertitta Hall, Suite 201 (JFF 201)
Monday-Friday: 8:30am-5:00pm
The mission of the Office of Undergraduate Advising and Student Affairs is to support the learning and development of undergraduate students in USC’s Marshall School of Business by providing a broad array of academic support and co-curricular programs and services, including but not limited to academic advisement. As educators, we seek to foster a dynamic partnership with students as they actively participate with us in creating and refining their academic goals and plans. Advisors strive to be courteous, knowledgeable, and informative as we empower students to develop holistically.
Advisors understand that your college experience includes more than just your time in the classroom and can guide you in making decisions and choices that will help you develop both academically and personally. As your goals and interests become more defined each year, advisors can help you connect with and explore related opportunities both inside and outside the classroom. There is a lot to do and learn at USC Marshall, and advisors will provide guidance and support as you discover and engage with the many resources offered on the USC campus.
During your first year, you will see an academic advisor regularly (all students who have completed fewer than 24 units at USC are required to engage in academic advisement before registering for classes) as you begin to develop your personalized course plan. After the first year, academic advisors will update your course plan each year and you may schedule appointments at your convenience.
Appointments: Marshall academic advisors are offering both in-person and Zoom advising options. Marshall majors may schedule an advisement appointment through Advise USC.
Drop-in Advising: Marshall majors, minors, and prospective internal transfers may meet with an on-call advisor on a drop-in basis via Zoom Monday-Thursday from 3-4 PM during the Fall and Spring semesters. Marshall majors with questions requiring more than 10 minutes should schedule an appointment. Current USC students who are interested in adding a Marshall major or minor or applying for internal transfer can find information on our Applying to Marshall page; prospective internal transfer applicants should view our online information session prior to attending drop-in advising.
Advise USC: Students can also communicate and collaborate with theirs advisors in a variety of ways using the Advise USC platform. Log in to Advise USC to:
- Identify currently assigned advisors on your success team
- Review announcements relevant to you
- Submit a support case to request advisor assistance
- Easily communicate about your academic progress and plans
- Track and manage tasks and success plans assigned to you
- Design and share course plans
- Find and make advising appointments in a few clicks
In addition to Advise USC, students can utilize online advising resources such as their STARS report (available through OASIS in MyUSC) and our website. Finally, students may also email us at Students can typically expect a response from advisors within 2-3 business days.