Location & Map:
The Marshall Behavioral Research Lab is located on the University Park Campus near the Marshall School of Business. The lab is located in Verna and Peter Dauterive Hall (VPD) in the Lower Level (LL). The suite numbers are LL110 and LL112.
635 Downey Way | Verna & Peter Dauterive Hall (VPD)
Lower Level (LL) Floor | Suite 110/112
Los Angeles, CA 90089-3331
USC Maps Link | Google Maps Link | VPD Direction Illustration
Phone & Email:
Telephone: 213-821-9752
General Lab Email: behaviorallabmanager@marshall.usc.edu
Marketing Fundamentals (BUAD 307): mkt.sona@marhsall.usc.edu
Organizational Behavior and Leadership (BUAD 304) & Strategic Management (BUAD 497): mor.sona@marshall.usc.edu
Compensated Pool: researchadmin@marshall.usc.edu
Looking for someone in specific? Find our contacts here.
Hours of Operation:
Hours are subject to the Verna & Peter Dauterive Hall (VPD) building hours which may vary from term to term.
Monday-Thursday: 7am - 9pm
Friday: 7am - 7pm
Saturday-Sunday: CLOSED
Please note the lab observes all University Holidays, which can be found here: https://academics.usc.edu/calendar/