Funding Opportunities

New Venture Seed Competition
The Greif Center's New Venture Seed Competition (NVSC) is the largest startup competition on campus -- providing training to all those who advance and a total of $150,000+ in prize funds to winners. Launching November 2023 and open to all current students (plus alumni who have graduated in the past five years). More info coming soon!

Catalyst Microgrant
The Marshall Catalyst Micro (MCM) fund is designed to identify and help propel entrepreneurially inclined students from the earliest stages of their interest on. Through this Greif Center program, students can apply for and receive funding awards to support startup momentum, plus access to extra education, conferences, and competitions. MCM is industry-, school-, and size-agnostic and open to all students across our USC campuses. We encourage interest in ventures that range from small to lifestyle to large and scalable.
Students of underrepresented backgrounds and students with a demonstrable interest in increasing diversity in entrepreneurship are encouraged to apply. You do not need to be a Marshall student to apply.