Ahhhh, I cannot believe I made it to Jeju Island! I am extremely happy to be here. The change in scenery was much needed. Everything is so beautiful here and different from the bustling city lights of Seoul. I love the contrasting difference between the two places. When I landed in Jeju, I was so hungry but the bus stop was running late so my friends and I decided to grab our lunch at the airport. I ordered Kimchi-jjigae which is a stew dish, made with kimchi and other ingredients, such as pork or seafood, scallions, onions, and diced dubu. The weather in Jeju was a little cold today, so the warm stew felt super nice and the best part was it was only $8 USD! After the filling meal, we took the bus stop from the airport to Seogwipo which is the south side of the island. One thing I really hate about South Korea is all the roads are super bumpy and Jeju is no exception. I honestly felt like throwing up on the bus. I was so nauseous and car-sick that the first thing I did when I got to the hotel room was throw up. I had a bad start to the day due to motion sickness. Luckily, the pharmacy was only a three minute walk away from the hotel so my friends went and bought my medicine to help with digestion and motion sickness. I ended up taking a nap before going out for dinner to recover a bit from all the traveling.
When I woke up, I felt a lot better but super hungry since I threw up most of the food I ate earlier in the afternoon. A lot of my local Korean friends recommended that I go to this place called, “The Cliff.”
It is one of the most popular places to go in Seogwipo, for both tourists and local Jeju residents! My friends and I decided to make our way over there and the bar was so aesthetically nice. The owners and DJ’s were really nice and friendly and offered us free cocktails as a welcoming gift.
We ordered a large pizza and sat outside to enjoy the nice views. The food and ambiance was really nice. We met a group of people nearby who were also traveling from Seoul, so we decided to join tables and ended up going to the game zone. We played darts together and made bets. My friends and I won against the other group in the game so we ended up not having to pay for our pizza we ordered that night!!
We stayed until closing time, which was 2:00am, and grabbed a taxi to our hotel afterwards. The rest of the night we just unpacked and settled down into our hotel. Tomorrow is going to rain, so we are a bit nervous if our outdoor activities will be canceled. Anyways, it is getting late now so I am going to end the blog here!
Tomorrow we have a full day of activities so there will be more fun content coming in the next blog. Thanks for reading up until now~