Nicolette and Monica's Apartments - These two spots have become constant during my time in Pamplona. We hold our weekly dinners at their apartments and have consistently grown our group. At first it just started out the three of us and then Nico's roommates came along and then Mon's. We take our time during the dinners to catch up from the previous week and spend hours enjoying each other’s presence.

Pamplona Bus Estacion - This bus stop is where I spend more time than anywhere else. As I have become addicted to travelling this bus stop is my gateway to the rest of Spain and Europe. It connects me to nearby towns and countries on the other end of the continent. There have been times where I have barely made my 12:00 am buses to Barcelona and have walked it at 4 am after a weekend in Madrid. Sleep has been lost because one can only sleep so much on the bus without wanting to kill the person next to them on the phone. However, I wouldn't change it for the world because it helps me prioritize if I want to travel certain weekends or stay in. Plus, when I walk up the escalator to the citadel in Pamplona, each time I realize how good it feels back to be in my city.

My Bedroom Window - I can honestly express that even when I try my hardest, I cannot bring myself to wake up early enough for sunrises. However, I am always awake for the sunsets and I get some of the best views from my 7th floor bedroom window. The sunsets here have become some of my absolute favorites and they remind me of the ones back in California -- colorful and different each day. Seeing them from so high up makes me feel closer to the sky and I always take 5-10 minutes of my day to bask in the beauty of the sunsets.

Path to and from School - During my walk to school I blast my music and I try to walk as fast as the Spaniards but never have much success. This walk to the amigos building (business school) is supposed to be 20 minutes but by American standards I consider it a 25 minute walk and European standards a 12 minute walk max. I get the view of the valley as I walk up to the school and every day I appreciate it more and more. The walk back is usually catch up time with my friends where we talk about anything from our weekends to parents yelling from back home. It also helps that we have the beautiful valley behind us and every week get to witness the spring bloom.
Beatriz - The most famous bakery in Pamplona and rightfully so. As a lover of anything filled with carbs this place was a no brainer for me. They are known for their delicious garrotitos de chocolate. The most delicious, flaky pastry I could ever have. The queue that is primarily is made up of locals is worth it, even though you can't see what they have until you get into the tiny store filled with people trying to get their daily dose of Beatriz. It is so popular that it only takes cash and people are willing to make their orders, leave to get cash and come back later for their order. The bakery is always filled with to-go orders and half-empty shells from the sales throughout the day. I love eating them in the city center on a warm sunny day, by myself or with a friend, not saying much but just enjoying the pastry, weather, and the people.